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10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse

The issue about   Long distance relationship  This days has become a thing of many concerns, as a result, a lot of people find their ways to various …

Center of the home- why some home fail

Center of the home why some home fail Self centered people has never created a happy home,their immature personalities speaks for them . Some one who…

10 first aid for slips and falls in the kitchen

Here’s a list of 10 first aid for slips and falls in the kitchen: Stop and check the floor. If you’ve just fallen, make sure to look around you and m…

Common Kitchen Accidents and What You Can Do to Prevent Them

Introduction No one ever expects a kitchen accident t o happen to them, but the truth is that they can and do occur. In fact, there are six common k…

5 Precautions and First Aid Tips Everyone Should Know Before Entering the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most dangerous places in the home, but it doesn’t have to be that way if you exercise some basic precautions and know how t…

10 easy tips to prevent kitchen accidents

Kitchens are like the hub of the home; they are where all the action happens, which also makes them one of the most dangerous areas in the house. Uni…
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