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How to solve a rubiks cube step by step guide

how to solve a rubik's cube step by step guide

solving a rubik’s cube step by step guide is our today learning.

  • What is Rubik’s cube?

Rubik’s cube is a 3-d  combined puzzle Introduce into existence in the  year 1974 December by a Hungarian professor  of architecture named Erno Rubik.

  • STEP 1 : how to solve a rubik’s cube step by step guide 

Make a “white cross around yellow dot.” We must make white cross around yellow dot (MID-MID or CORE).

This step doesn’t has fixed rule as another step. So try it as you can. We got white cross around yellow dot now.

Rubits step by step tips
  • STEP  2: Make “perfect white cross”. Set “UP-MID” color to match a “CORE” color. Then turn “clockwise”

 1 round.  Set orange “UP-MID” to match an orange “CORE”. Then turn “clockwise” 

2 round. This Blue “UP-MID” and “CORE” already match. So turn “clockwise” 

3 round. Set Green “UP-MID” to match a green “CORE”. Then turn “clockwise” 

4 round. (Now we done all 4 side). We got perfect white cross now. Now every “UP-MID” and “CORE” will match the color.

How to resolve rubit cube easily
  • Step 3: Make a “Full white” We’ll put the white side on the table. A corner piece “white with green” We’ll set that corner piece (green) to match it’s core color (green). White is “LEFT”. So we flip “LEFT” backward. Then turn anticlockwise (in case white is left) to bring the white back. Then we flip “LEFT” forward. White is on the “RIGHT” side now. The green corner is match it’s green core. White is “RIGHT”. 
Rubits cube tips

So we flip “RIGHT” backward then turn clockwise. And flip “RIGHT” forward. Next is corner piece “white with blue”. Set corner Blue to match the Blue core.

White is “LEFT”. So we flip “LEFT” backward then turn anticlockwise. And flip “LEFT” forward. Repeat a previous procedure. Set blue corner to match blue core. White is “RIGHT”.

So we flip “RIGHT” backward then turn clockwise. And flip “RIGHT” forward.

  • Step 4: Make a full color at mid row and lower row. This step we’ll use “UP-MID” piece that “HAT” isn’t yellow. For example this is green-orange. Set UP-MID color (green) to match the core color (green). UP-MID “HAT” color is orange.

The “RIGHT” side is orange. So we must push orange to “RIGHT”. The method is turn “HAT” opposite. Flip “RIGHT” side backward. Then turn “HAT” opposite again. And flip “RIGHT” forward. Clear the white corner like

Step 3 ! We’ll set that corner piece (orange) to match it’s core color (orange). White is “LEFT”. So we flip “LEFT” backward then turn anticlockwise. And flip “LEFT” forward. We don’t use “Yellow Hat”. The next is “red-green” Turn “UP-MID” (red) to match the core color (red). UP-MID “HAT” color is green. The “RIGHT” side is green. So we must push green to “RIGHT”. The method is turn “HAT” opposite. Flip “RIGHT” side backward. Then turn “HAT” opposite again. And flip “RIGHT” forward. Clear the white corner like

Step 3!! We’ll set that corner piece (green) to match it’s core color (green). White is “LEFT”. So we flip “LEFT” backward then turn anticlockwise. And flip “LEFT” forward. The next turn “UP-MID” (orange) to match the core color (orange). UP-MID “HAT” color is blue. The “RIGHT” side is blue. So we must push blue to “RIGHT”. The method is turn “HAT” opposite. Flip “RIGHT” side backward. Then turn “HAT” opposite again. And flip “RIGHT” forward. Clear the white corner like

Step 3 !!! We’ll set that corner piece (Blue) to match it’s core color (Blue). White is “LEFT”. So we flip “LEFT” backward then turn anticlockwise. And flip “LEFT” forward. The next turn “UP-MID” (red) to match the core color (red). UP-MID “HAT” color is blue. The “LEFT” side is blue. So we must push blue to “LEFT”. The method is turn “HAT” opposite. Flip “LEFT” side backward. Then turn “HAT” opposite again. And flip “LEFT” forward. Clear the white corner like

Step 3 !!!! We’ll set that corner piece (blue) to match it’s core color (blue). White is “RIGHT”. So we flip “RIGHT” backward then turn clockwise. And flip “RIGHT” forward. Complete 2 row with full color.

Step 5: Do yellow cross. Do this on the side that hasn’t complete a “yellow cross”. Rotate anticlockwise “RIGHT-UP-FRONT”. Rotate clockwise “UP-FRONT-RIGHT”. Do this on the side that hasn’t complete a “yellow cross”. Rotate anticlockwise “RIGHT-UP-FRONT”. Rotate clockwise “UP-FRONT-RIGHT”. We got “yellow cross”. This step I done wrong. We’ll look for non-yellow corner. This is your “Front”. We’ll do only “RIGHT” side and “UP” side. Step to turn is UP-LEFT-DOWN-LEFT-UP-LEFT-LEFT and flip forward. We got pure “yellow cross”. After this everything would be easier.

Step 6: Make full yellow. Look at the first row that hasn’t have yellow corner. We’ll use it as “FRONT”. We found it. As previous, step to turn is UP-LEFT-DOWN-LEFT-UP-LEFT-LEFT and flip forward. We got “FISH” now. Turn “FISH HEAD” to the “LEFT-LOWER” As previous, step to turn is UP-LEFT-DOWN-LEFT-UP-LEFT-LEFT and flip forward.

Step 7: Make first side with full color. Look for the side that have “CORNER with same color” (orange corner). Rotate the cube to the “RIGHT”. Then we’ll use white as “FRONT” Step to use: RIGHT BACKWARD BACKWARD-BOTTOM CLOCKWISE CLOCKWISE-RIGHT BACKWARD-UP CLOCKWISE-RIGHT FORWARD |||| BOTTOM CLOCKWISE CLOCKWISE-RIGHT BACKWARD (to be continue) UP ANTICLOCKWISE-RIGHT ANTICLOCKWISE ANTICLOCKWISE ANTICLOCKWISE We get full side of yellow, blue, white color. Another side we get full 2 row.

Step 8:  (Finish): Make a full color all side. Look at UP-MID color (all side). We’ve to find the “PLANNING DIRECTION” to rotate to make it’s full color. Rotate CLOCKWISE direction. We’ll use non-white & non-yellow as “FRONT” (blue).

Step 9 : Back CLOCKWISE CLOCKWISE |||| UP rotate as “PLANNING DIRECTION” (in this clip is CLOCKWISE) |||| Left & Right flip BACKWARD |||| Back CLOCKWISE CLOCKWISE (to be continue). Left & Right flip FORWARD |||| UP rotate as “PLANNING DIRECTION” (in this clip is CLOCKWISE) |||| Back ANTICLOCKWISE ANTICLOCKWISE. Finish.

I believe you find the solution to how to solve a rubik’s cube step by step guides

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