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Advantages and disadvantages of warm vegetables and raw vegetables

Advantages and disadvantages of warm vegetables and raw vegetables

Low-calorie and nutritious vegetables are essential ingredients for maintaining beauty and health. Vegetables vary greatly in the nutrients that can be consumed depending on how they are cooked. 
Eating raw is not always enough to get enough nutrients, and some vegetables can be even more nutritious when boiled or fried in oil. There are various types of vegetables that are best eaten raw, and vegetables that are better eaten through heat. Try to learn the characteristics of each type and eat nutrients efficiently.

Advantages and disadvantages of hot vegetables

The main advantage of “vegetable vegetables” that add heat to vegetables is that you can reduce the bulk and eat a lot of vegetables at once. Vegetables soften when heated, bringing out the flavor and aroma inherent in vegetables. It is easy to digest, warms a cold body, and improves blood circulation, so it is effective to eat when you are tired or have a cold.
The disadvantage of hot vegetables is that applying heat to the vegetables destroys or sheds vitamins and minerals. Of course, it doesn’t mean that everything is lost, but if you make it into vegetable soup or boil it using a microwave, you can keep it intact. Adding a small amount of vinegar during frying can also help reduce vitamin C destruction.
Some vegetables can increase the rate of nutrient absorption in the body by applying heat. For example, the carotene absorption rate when eating carrots raw is 10%, while the absorption rate increases to 47% when boiled with salt and 80% when fried in oil.

Advantages and disadvantages of raw vegetables

Raw vegetables, which have refreshing energy just by looking at their fresh colors, have the advantage of abundant vitamins and dietary fiber that can be taken directly into the body. In particular, food enzymes, which are indispensable for maintaining physical condition, metabolism, and preventing aging, will die if heat is continuously applied at about 70 ° C or higher. The rule of thumb is to take.
It’s hard to eat a lot of raw vegetables at once, but you can get them efficiently by putting them down and making their smoothies. Crushing raw vegetables not only reduces the burden on the stomach and intestines but can also increase the number of food enzymes by a factor of two to three compared to eating them.
You may think that eating too many raw vegetables will make your body easier to cool, but unlike “ water vegetables ” such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and watermelons that contain a lot of water and potassium, it may be about one salad bowl Is said to have little effect. However, raw vegetables tend to take longer to digest and absorb than warm vegetables, so be careful if you eat too much when your stomach is weak.
It is said that vegetables should be consumed more than 350 grams a day for adults. If you try to fill this with raw vegetables alone, there is a considerable volume, but if you combine raw vegetables and hot vegetables well, you will be able to take the necessary amount without difficulty, and nutrition that can not be taken with raw vegetables alone Can be supplemented with hot vegetables.


Also, raw vegetables and hot vegetables have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to change the way you eat according to your physical condition

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