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All about tomato "mini tomato"


All about tomato "mini tomato"

Solanaceae solanaceous perennial

When classified according to the color of the fruit, there are three types:    peach tomato ” used for raw eating and has plenty of sweetness and little fragrance unique to tomato,    red tomato ”    yellow tomato ” used for juice and heating cooking with strong acidity Are classified into one.

All about tomato "mini tomato"

The place of origin is the Andes of South America, from which it was transmitted to Central America, Mexico, and Europe, and to Japan by the Dutch during the Edo period to Nagasaki. I want to know! Nutrition. When the tomatoes turn red, the doctor turns blue. In other words, plenty of nutrition!

Tomatoes are characterized by high sugar content among vegetables. The yellow pigment in tomato skin contains carotene and the red pigment contains lycopene. Featured nutritional ingredients!Lycopene, vitamin C, A, B6, potassium, rutin

This and that trivia “Love and golden apples” were loved around the world.

  • Your cooking skills are up!

Since tomatoes were introduced to Europe in the 16th century, various varieties have been produced around the world to date. It is widely used in cooking in many countries and is one of the most loved vegetables in the world. The nickname in France is “apple of love”. In Italy, it is also called the “golden apple”.

The reason why it is used in various dishes is the umami ingredient “glutamic acid”. It is found more in the jelly around the seed than in the pulp.

Heating increases the sweetness, umami, and richness, so it is very useful in stewed or souped foods. Plenty of delicious! The seasonal season June to September is the season for open-field cultivation. House cultivation can be enjoyed all year round.

Among them, there are two major seasons: from December to June, “spring and winter tomatoes” are grown mainly in Kumamoto, Aichi, and Chiba prefectures, and from July to November, mainly in Hokkaido and Ibaraki prefecture. It is called summer tomato.

Delicious! How to choose

  • First, check the freshness with “Heta”!
  • Next is “roundness”, “skin” and “tightness”.
  • Choose something fresh and fresh, fresh and cut.

Black shrinking or yellowing may be old or damaged … RoundnessThose that are rounded, non-square, have no grooves or streaks and have skin that is firm and shiny, with no color unevenness. The heavier and heavier the pulp, the denser and sweeter it is.

Room temperature for blue tomatoes, refrigerator for red tomatoes.

But don’t overcook!

Blue tomatoes should be stored at low temperatures and will not add sweetness or flavor.

Keep blue tomatoes at room temperature for 2-3 days without putting them in the refrigerator.

Conversely, red tomatoes are said to lose nutrients in a few days at room temperature. To the refrigerator with plastic bags and packs. However, if the temperature is lower than 5  C, it may cause low-temperature damage, so store it in the vegetable room.

If you put it in a freezer bag and freeze it as a whole, it will be easy to peel when it is thawed in a microwave oven, and it will be useful when making stew or soup.

reference: Asahi Kasei Home Products Co., Ltd. Website “Easy Preservation Technique” Takahashi Shoten “Convenient book of vegetables” Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. Website “Food Life 110th” Agriculture and Livestock Industry Promotion Organization Website “Vegetable Book” “Vegetable Picture Book”Lion Corporation website “life On” Bring up Grow mini tomatoes that are easy to grow in flower pots and planters.

Basic knowledge to know first

What you need and where to put it One mini tomato seedling One flower pot No.10 One horticultural support 165cm 1 bag of pot bottom stone Soil (culture soil) 1 bag Be careful where you put it to prevent pests. Improve the sunshine. Improve ventilation. Avoid as much rain as possible.

Points for selecting seedlings The one between the branches is tightly packed and dark green. Avoid leaves that are yellowish. Until the flowers bloom, grow the seedlings in the pot when you bought them.

Water is a sunny day. If the flowers turn yellow before blooming, raise the fertilizer called “liquid manure” about once a week.

Points of pest check

The important thing is to observe carefully! See the leaves behindInsects are often behind the leaves. Check not only the front but also the back. Common pests behind leaves View stems and branches and check for insects and diseases. The disease can spread to poorly ventilated stems. Common diseases See the fruit and check that they are not eaten and there are no discolorations or spots.

Prevention of Kihon of pesticide application

How to grow

  • STEP1 From planting to prop support
  • First, prepare.
  • In order to drain well, put a pot bottom stone that hides the bottom of the pot.
  • Put soil up to about 2cm below the edge of the bowl.

At this time, if you put about half the soil, water well once and let the soil contain moisture. Then add the other half of the soil and water again to moisten the soil.

And planting.

In the middle of the soil, dig a hole enough for a pot of seedlings and plant the seedlings from the pot. Once planted, water enough to allow the seedlings and soil to blend.

Set up support.

Stand the props next to the seedlings and in a position that will not damage the roots, and tie the props and the seedlings with twine, etc., so that the seedlings will not move.

  • STEP2 From bud to topdressing
  • Pick the side buds.
  • “Saki buds” are small buds that emerge from the base of leaves.
  • All shoots are plucked to concentrate the nutrition on the main stem.

If you leave it as it is, it will grow bigger and come out actively, so the trick is to pick it on the spot if you notice.

Nourish with “top fertilizer”.

When the fourth stage flower blooms, it is time for nutrition. Increase 1 liter of diluted “liquid fertilizer” once a week. On the day you give liquid fertilizer, you don’t need to raise water separately from liquid fertilizer. When the soil volume is reduced, add the same soil as when planting.

Is it in such a state?

About pests If such changes appear on the leaves and stems, it is the work of pests. Please check the main pests and countermeasures when growing.

  • STEP3 harvest 
  • Harvest in order from the bottom!
  • About a month and a half after planting, the fruits begin to color.
  • Harvest the first fruit as soon as possible to encourage later fruit growth
  • Cut the ripe red one with a pair of scissors from a little above.

Tips for raising

Topdressing”Additional fertilizer” means raising liquid fertilizer after planting and then diluting liquid fertilizer with water. 

  • Seedlings grow on the top and give delicious fruits.
  • WateringToo much water is a failure moto!

Wait for the soil surface to dry before watering. Straw and water moss on the surface of the soil prevent mud from splashing on the leaves and prevent disease.

Continuous crop failure If the same vegetable is continuously produced in the same field every year, the growth will deteriorate or wither. Tomatoes are susceptible to continuous cropping failure, but if you’re in a vegetable garden, you can change the soil.

Beware of other pests!

AphidsFlock to soft parts such as leaves, shoots, buds, and flowers. It grows fast and sucks the nutrients of the plant, resulting in poor growth. It can also transmit the virus and make it sick. Measures It is effective to spray pesticide granules during transplantation.  Thrips Leaves have white or brown spots on the leaves, and the surface of the fruit is like a scab or keloid. Measures Use a light-reflecting sheet that adults do not like or embed granules in the soil. giant tobacco The tip of the shoots, stems, leaves, and fruits are eaten and a circular hole is made.

Measures The perforated fruit is immediately removed from the branch, and the adults inside it are killed and disposed of.


Blight wilt is a soil disease that spreads from the soil, and is likely to occur in the high season from spring to autumn, especially in summer.

At first, the foliage of the whole body leaves green all at once on a sunny day and repeats a state of returning at night for several days, and eventually, it will not return. Measures Graft cultivation using resistant rootstocks (B barrier, green guard, volunteer, etc.) can reduce damage. 

Gray mold disease At first, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. show spots like water-soaked, and eventually rotten and give rise to gray mold. Measures To avoid exposure to rain and to avoid humidity, make sure that the stems and leaves are not overgrown.

Immediately cut and remove the affected area and then spray the drug. The leaf mold part of the leaf surface becomes yellow, and a grayish-white mold grows on the back side. Spread from the lower leaf to the upper leaf.

  • Measures Don’t overgrow the stems and leaves to maintain ventilation. 

The drug is effective when used as prophylaxis after onset. The wilting disease is Caused by pathogenic bacteria transmitted to seeds and soil.  The lower stem turns yellow and withers, and the whole dies. Measures Use fresh soil or disinfect the soil with solar heat or chemicals. Neutralizing the soil with lime will reduce the incidence. Half body wilt. The lower leaves begin to wither partially, and the edges of the leaves are rolled up. It gradually withers. Measures Use fresh soil or disinfect the soil with solar heat or chemicals.

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