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11 Health Benefits of Beets

11 Health Benefits of Beets
Beetroot is a root that has a soil-like flavor, is slightly sweet, and can be eaten cooked or raw in salad and even fruit juice, for example. It does very well, is rich in antioxidants, and is associated with the prevention of cellular changes and degenerations, that is why it is related to the prevention of cancer.
It also brings several health benefits, such as:
11 Health Benefits of Beets

  1. Decreases high blood pressure: contains nitrates that help relax blood vessels;
  2. Improves training performance: by relaxing blood vessels, it allows more nutrients to reach the muscles;
  3. Strengthens the immune system: it is rich in zinc that activates a hormone that increases the production of defense cells in the body;
  4. Prevents and fights anemia: because it contains iron and B vitamins, it prevents and treats this type of anemia;
  5. Maintains muscle health: contains potassium and calcium, important for the maintenance of healthy muscle fibers;
  6. Protects the nervous system: because it is rich in vitamin B1 and B2;
  7. Prevents premature aging: contains high levels of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell aging;
  8. Controls cholesterol and protects the heart: it has a high fiber content that reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine;
  9. Prevents cancer: in addition to vitamin C, it is rich in another antioxidant, betalain, which reduces the risk of cancer;
  10. Maintains eye health and prevents cataracts: contains vitamin A which is important in maintaining eye health;
  11. Prevents liver and lung problems: due to the presence of vitamin C and betalain.
To get all these benefits, you should consume about 250 ml of beet juice daily, it is important to remember that people with calcium oxalate kidney stones should avoid excessive beet consumption.
11 Health Benefits of Beets

Nutritional information and how to use

The following table shows the nutritional composition of 100 g of raw and cooked beets.
Nutritional informationRaw beetCooked beets
Energy32 kcal49 kcal
Carbohydrates11.1 g7.2 g
Protein1.9 g1.3 g
Fat0.1 g0.1 g
Fibers3.4 g1.9 g
Iron2.5 mg1.0 mg
Potassium375 mg245 mg
Vitamin B10.04 mg0.09 mg
Calcium32 mg27 mg
Beet can be consumed in raw, cooked, or juice salads, and it is ideal to consume it in raw form, as its main antioxidant nutrient, betalain, is lost when placed at elevated temperatures.

Beet recipes

Beetroot and Pineapple Juice

11 Health Benefits of Beets

  • Half cucumber
  • A slice of pineapple
  • 80 grams of raw beets
  • Juice of half a lemon
Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink ice cream.
See other recipes for pink juices with beets to fight wrinkles and cellulite.
A great iron-rich recipe for fighting anemia is the sautéed beet leaves, as they are rich in non-heme iron, which is a very important element in the blood.
But for this iron to be really absorbed by the body, one must consume foods that are sources of vitamin C in the same meal. So, next to the sautéed beet leaves, have a glass of orange juice, acerola or eat 10 strawberries as a dessert.

Sauteed beet leaves to treat Anemia

11 Health Benefits of Beets

  • 400 g of beet leaves
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • pepper to taste
Method of preparation
Sauté with onion, garlic, and olive oil and then add the other ingredients, letting them boil for a few minutes. To soften the leaves add a little water and cook.
Although beetroot is a vegetable rich in iron, its leaves are even richer in this nutrient and also in fibers that contribute to good digestion and intestinal functioning.
This stew is also very tasty with the leaves of cauliflower, broccoli, or carrots.

Beet salad 

A good way to consume the beets is to prepare a salad with the raw beets. Just wash and peel the beets and then grate. It can be served with green leaves and tomatoes, seasoned with herbal salt, olive oil, and lemon juice. 

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