Nursery school Regulations Guidelines

Nursery school Regulations Guidelines

Applications for opening nursery schools shall be made on the scribed form in duplicate. 

The form which is obtainable from either the Ministry or its Zonal Offices must be submitted through the zonal Inspector of Education or direct to the Nursery School Unit Ministry of Education, Enugu.   The 

Approval of all nursery schools is subject to satisfactory inspection reports by Ministry officials. Only persons who, in the opinion of the Honourable Commissioner are genuinely interested in nursery schools may be authorized to open such schools. 

Under no circumstance, therefore, must a nursery school open without the written approval of the Honourable Commissioner for Education.

  • A Community or an Organisation may be permitted to open a nursery school provided that the Community or Organisation elects a manager for the School who must be acceptable to the Honourable Commissioner.
  • That whWherersery school is established in partnership, an Article of Association must be submitted with the application to open the school.
  • The minimum qualification of a manager of a nursery school is the Teachers’ Grade II Certificate with at least five years of approved teaching experience.

Approval in Principle

Provisional approval to open may be granted in the first instance. This does not mean final approval to open. It merely encourages the proprietor to make more substantial preparations. 

When the buildings and basic equipment are ready, the proprietor shall apply for a final inspection. The report of the final inspection shall guide the Honorable Commissioner Commissioner or withholding the approval to open the school. 

Final Approval

An approved nursery school shall open within three months of the beginning of the school year with effect from the date when approval to open is granted, otherwise, the approval shall be deemed to have lapsed.

Additional Streams

Approval for additional classes is subject to the provision of adequate and suitable facilities and satisfactory inspection reports. 

In all cases of increased enrolment, the application must first be made in writing and submitted to the Ministry of Education, Closure

Closure Final Approval 

A nursery school may be closed where 

The nursery school has not been granted final approval to open or the nursery school was granted final approval to open, but owner negligence causes the approval to be revoked, the school shall be closed after a notice has been issued to it, according to the provisions of the Edict, or the proprietor is not ordinarily resident in Nigeria, or the proprietor or manager is not considered a fit and proper person to be in charge of a school or an offence again offence law have been committed in respect of that nursery school, or the Ministry is satisfied that the school is being conducted in a manner that is not in the interest of the pupils, or the closure of the nursery school will be in the best interest of education or in the best interest of persons to be served.

Closure of Nursery Classes

Nursery classes may be closed where –

prior permission has not been received from the Ministry to exceed the number of classes approved for a nursery school, then the overall enrolment approved for a nursery school is found to be more than 25 children or more.

  • Unauthorized transfer of an approved nursery school from the site at

Revocation of Approval

which it was approved automatically revokes this approval.


A person who establishes or opens a nursery school without the approval in writing of the Ministry is guilty of an office; mamanagingor running a school established or opened without such approval is guilty of offence proprietor who exceeds without written permission of the Ministry the number of streams and total population approved for his or her school is guilty of off offence person who publishes an advertisement in connection with a nursery school mentioned in the subsection above is guilty of an offence for there is an order for the closure of a school, a proprietor who fails to close the nursery school within the time specified in the order, is guilty of off ann ence.

  • Aoffenceetor, manager, head-teacher, or another person who runs, manages, or teaches in any nursery school in respect of which the offer has offencemmitted under the subsection the above is guilty of an offence

A proffer, manamanage headteacher other her person who is guilofoffencenhis section shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for five years or to a fine or both such fine and imprisonment.

Any person, other than a person mentioned in the subsection above is also of this section, who is guilty of an offence undeoffencesection. Shall on conShallon, be liable to a fine.

Site Compound

The prophet must have a valid title to the land and the site must be approved by the Ministry of Health in the area.

A nursery school shall not be situated in a crowded or noisy area or very near a railway line or a road junction. 

The site shall be fenced and made reasonably safe for young children. It shall contain ample space for free play (4047 sq. meters for the first 100 children.

Plus an additional 2023 sq. meters for each additional 50 children or part thereof). The compound shall be clean, with space for outdoor play equipment. 

The premises shall not be shared with any other group of people and shall contain ornaments and shade trees.

There must be an adequate water supply.


Buildings shall comply with the Ministry of Education standard building plan for Nursery Schools.

  • Where applications are submitted to open in temporarremises, proof must be provided that the plans for the permanent buildings are already advanced. This means that no new school will be permitted to open on temporary premises unless plans have been checked and approved and unless the building has commenced.
  • Every classroom must provide a minimum of 1.2 sq. meters of floor area for each child (i.e., 30 sq meters for 25 children). Also, for example, forcer ce must be set aside for the teacher’s table and chair, cupboards, lockers, etc. The room must be adequately lit and ventilated. 

Windows and doors shall make up at least 175 m of the wall area. Each classroom must have adequate toilet facilities. 

In rural areas, pit latrines dug at least 45 meters away from the building and provided with low seats with covers may be approved.

In the urban area, WC with the flush system shall be provided. Where chamber pots female staff are used to supplement water closets, one WC per 50 children is considered adequate. 

Separate toilets shall be provided for males and Adequate storage space in each classroom shall be provided for the safekeeping of the apparatus and equipment of the school.

A staff room shall be provided for use by the headmistress and other members of staff.

A sick room shall be provided which may also be used for medical inspection when necessary. Furniture and Equipment

Furniture and Equipment Basic Equipment

Every nursery classroom shall have the following basic furniture: 

Individual tables 68.58 cm x 45.72 cm x 55.88 cm or double tables measuring 91.44 cm x 45.72 cm x 55.88 cm. Individual chairs
measuring 25.40 cm x 30.48 cm x 55.88 cm.
One or more lockers not less than 3.6 meters long and 0.75 meters high with shelves not less than 0.45 meters long, 0.45 meters high
and 0.45 meters wide, for storage of work materials.

Display shelves in every classroom and storage shelves in the storeroom.
Blackboards, chalChalkerlker. 

Painting easels. Usual school records (admission register, visitors book, logbook, progress records, cashbook, copy of the Education Edict and Education Policy, and current Ministry circulars about nursery education).

A handbell for assembling children when necessary.

Outdoor Play Apparatus

Varied outdoor play facilities, eg, climbing frames, swings, and slides.

mmeansrry-go-rounMerry-go-roundcycles and tricycles will be provided on the playground for use by children during outdoor play.

All apparatus except mobiles must be securely fixed to the ground, All apparatus must be pre-checked and ascertained in good order before children are allowed to go on them.

Basic Needs of Young Children

Provision shall be made for the following activities.
Water play (outdoor) e.g., large water tubs with stands, measuring cans of varied shapes sAd d  s, various float dating objects.
Sand play Dry and wet (outdoor) eg. enclosed sandpit or dune, measuring cans of different sizes, sifters, large wooden spoons or
Creative played, attractive wooden and plastic toys of different Imaginative Play: eg.. furnished Wendy houses, old clothes, and
scoops shapes and sizes.
Junks for dressing up and playing house
Drawing and Painting. e.g., assorcolouredored pocolouredints, large brand his. Aprons. Large, large soft pencils, paper and ddefendantsizes and colours, decoloursettes.
Modelling & Construction e.g., clay, plasticine papier-mache, sawdust, coldwater, cardboard boxes, odd,s, and ends of wood and papers, dyes, vaseline, pastes, brushes, sponges, scissors, etc.

Sanitary Equipment

The following provision shall be adequately made for every classroom:
  • Sufficient washbasins with running water facilities for both the children and the staff
  • Sleeping beds suitably placed for children to rest in when necessary.
  • A fully equipped First Aid Kit first-aid kiting and Auxiliary Staff
The staffing must be adequate. There shall be for every 75 children one Grade II teacher certificate holder. Also, every nursery
class of 25 children must have one class teacher and one nursery assistant.

Qualification and Qualities of Staff

The Head Teacher – The headteachers of a  school shall in more of addition to having had some training in infant method hold one following qualification 
A recognized University Degree or Diploma.
NCE is equipped with some training in nursery education.
  • The Class Teacher – The minimum qualification of teachers in nursery schools in the Teachers’ Grade III Certificate.
  1. A teacher who holds other academic qualifications must also have trained in the infant method.
  2. Nursery school teachers must possess a  genuine interest in young children

The Nursery Assistant

The function of assistants in nursery schools is not to teach but to assist during class and group activities and to supervise children during outdoor play, at meals, or while in the toilet.

Nursery Assistants should have a minimum of FSLC and shall be properly trained to render simple first aid to children.
Their constant presence helps to provide adult contact which is psychologically and socially desirable for children at this stage of
their development, consequently.

Nursery Assistants must possess inexhaustible patience, genuine passion,n and a liking for little children.
Above all, they must be capable of handling children at the pre-primary school stage

Teachers of Handicapped Children

Where a Nursery School enrollsenrolsapped children, there will be at least one specialist teacher for the handicapped;
But where such a Nursery School cannot easily recruit specialist teachers, the Proprietor and Head Teacher may apply to the Specialist Education Unit of the Ministry of Education for Itinerant/Resource.

Personnel who can help provide basic training for existing staff of his/her Nursery School and who can assist with curriculum development, planning, or organization concerning predominant handicaps in
his/her Nursery School Qualifications of Teachers of Handicapped Children.

Teachers’ Grade II plus Diploma in Special Education obtained from a recognized institution abroad or in Nigeria and/or
NCE obtained from F.A.T.C. for Special Education, Oyo, and/or Diploma in Special Education obtained from Univerthe City of Ibadan

Expatriate Staff

Expatriate staff must have their certificate assessed and approved by the Ministry before they can be engaged to work in the nursery school.

Registration of Teachers

All qualified teachers in Nursery Schools must be registered at the State Ministry of Education.


The essence of nursery education is to cater to the basic educational needs of children thereby bridging the gap between pre-school and formal primary education.
Nursery school curriculum should provide opportunities of inculcate inculcate desirable social and physical habits and a
sense of cooperation classes program shall be planned in such a way as to allow the
children to explore different dimensions through the medium of play.

Approach to learning must therefore be as informal as possible, Activities shall be varied and interesting ranging from various
forms of creative work such as construction modelling drawing to songs, rhymes, story-telling, ng, and simple number work.
Formal primary school subjects must not be taught in the nursery school


Clearance with the Ministry in the nursery school. No fee of any kind must be charged without The Ministry shall from time to time approve a rate of fees for children.
  • A school account, showing income and expenditure, must be kept in respect of every nursery school.
  • A separate bank account must be opened for every Nursery School.

List of Trusted Organizations Working for Children’s Welfare and Education In Nigeria

  • African Network for Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect [ANPPCAN), National Secretariat, 19 Lumumba Street, New Haven, Enugu.

  • World Organization for Early Childhood Education [OMEP), National Secretariat, P.O. Box 690, 31A Ibrahim Bill Crescent, G.R.A., Kaduna.

  • National Committee for Child Welfare and the Rights of the Child, (NCCWRC) c/o National Centre for Women Development, P.M.B. 185, Garki Abuja.

  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, 30A Oninkan Abayomi Drive. Ikoyi; Lagos
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