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food and dieting tips to keep a perfect shape

food and dieting tips to keep a perfect shape

what we eat is vital to our health and well-being as well as how we look, feel and function if we do not feel good then we are not getting the most out of life and not doing all those things really want to do

as well as achieving good health it is essential that we also enjoy our food and free satisfy by eating rather than feeling constantly hungry

this article is about encompassing that principle by eating foods with a low Glycemic low-calorie content

it is also about helping people to lose weight and then keep from regarding any weight lost

food and dieting

the most important part to understand is that there is no bad food, just a bad diet with too much fat and sugar and too little fruit and vegetable.

there is nothing wrong with eating a fried breakfast a cream cake, fish, and chips a beer of chocolate, or a packet of potato crisps provided you only do so occasionally.

it is when the whole diet is dominated by these high-fat and high-sugar foods that most problems are likely to occur.

when you divide a plate of food into sessions following the recognized guidelines for a balanced diet there is a place for a small amount of high-fat and high-sugar foods.

so why it is accepted that the provided extra enjoyment and varieties to a balanced diet they should not be eating to excess.

in the same way, you do not have to concentrate your diet solely on low-GI foods, bet it’d balance your diet by including them where possible

the backbone of the slow GI way of eating is about balancing enjoyment and health.

unbalanced diets

an unhealthy diet can lead to health problems such as obesity type 2 diabetes digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, cancers and coronary heart disease.

The UK government 8 guidelines for a healthy diet are 

1: Enjoy your food 
2: Eat a variety of different foods 
3: It the right amount to be a healthy weight 
4: Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre 
5: Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables 
6: Don’t eat too many foods that contain a lot of fat 
7: Don’t have sugar food and drinks to often
8:  If you drink alcohol drink sensibly 

all these guidelines fit in perfectly with the recipe in this article and we help you to achieve and maintain a sensible weight as well as a nutritionally balanced diet that will help to reduce these health risks.

it matters a great deal that we should take pleasure in our food processing preparing and then taking the time to serve old me this article is about a way of eating that is not only nutritionally-balanced satisfying and low in cholesterol but also delicious.

it is not obsessive about calorie counting or indeed about any type of counting it is just about healthy and enjoyable eating that you can follow for life without feeling that you are denying yourself certain foods the guiding principle behind the GI Diet is that you will not even notice that you are on diet making it easier to stick to.

one of the problems with many diets that promote weight loss is that there leave you feeling hungry all the time because the allowed portion of the size of carbohydrates is small.

as a result, you do not feel satisfied and you are tempted by snacks and the extra portion of foods

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