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When to call an ambulance for a seizure


When to call an ambulance for a seizure

If you think someone is having a seizure, it’s important to act fast. Seizures can be dangerous, so you should call 911 right away and get help.

If the person is awake but unresponsive, turn them on their back and make sure they are breathing. If they’re not breathing or they’re not responding, start CPR immediately.

If someone has a seizure while they’re sleeping, you should wake them up and tell them to stop shaking or move around as little as possible. You’ll want to give them something to drink — water is best — because seizures can cause dehydration. Once they’re awake and alert again, try to contact family members or friends so they can come over and help with whatever needs to be done for that person.

  • If you are having a seizure, you will probably feel scared and confused.

You may also have a headache, feel confused or disoriented, have trouble speaking, or be unable to move.

A seizure usually lasts about 30 seconds. It is followed by muscle stiffness and then relaxation for about 15 seconds, although the exact duration varies. You may also see jerking movements of your arms and legs during a seizure.

The person who has a seizure may look pale or grayish while they are having it. They may not know what is happening to them during the seizure and they may try to speak but not make any sound.

When you have a seizure, it can be scary. But most people will recover fully from the episode and can go on with their lives.

You might feel confused or scared after a seizure, but you will probably recover fully. Unless there is a reason to worry about further seizures, such as epilepsy, this is not something to worry about. If you are concerned about your health in any way, see your doctor.

Here are some things you should know about seizures:

A seizure is a sudden event that affects the brain. The cause of a seizure may be unknown, but it can be due to a disorder of the brain or a problem with the nervous system.

The most common type of seizure is a brief loss of consciousness. There are also other types of seizures that are not as common, but more severe:

  • Simple febrile convulsions (fever and convulsions)
  • Complex febrile convulsions (fever and prolonged loss of consciousness)
  • Secondary generalization (loss of consciousness followed by generalized convulsions)
  • Secondary focal (loss of consciousness followed by partial seizures)
  • Atonic seizure (loss of muscle tone)

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