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The 7 Types of Kitchen Accidents That Can Happen to Anyone


The 7 Types of Kitchen Accidents That Can Happen to Anyone

The kitchen can be a perilous place, especially if you’re not paying attention. It may seem common sense to avoid sharp blades and hot stoves, but you could still find yourself with a trip to the ER in the form of one of these 7 types of kitchen accidents. By being more aware of the dangers, however, you can reduce your risk of falling victim to one of these accidents.

If you’re in the habit of cooking at home, you’ve probably experienced your fair share of kitchen accidents by now. While some of these mishaps are no big deal, others can be dangerous and even deadly if proper safety measures aren’t taken. To help prevent your kitchen from becoming an accident waiting to happen, it’s important to know the seven main types of kitchen accidents, which include burns, cuts, allergic reactions, sanitation issues, and more!

The 7 Types of Kitchen Accidents That Can Happen to Anyone

When you spend so much time in the kitchen, it’s inevitable that you will have at least one unfortunate accident. If you’ve ever accidentally dropped a whole casserole dish on the floor, spilled milk all over your table, or sliced off the tip of your finger while chopping vegetables, then you know what we’re talking about! If not, let us introduce you to 7 types of kitchen accidents that can happen to anyone.

1) Burns

Burn injuries can be very serious, leading to scarring and infection. As such, they are among one the most common types of accidents in kitchens and other food preparation areas. Keep your hands away from sources of heat while cooking, especially if you’re not sure what you’re doing or if you’ve become distracted by a phone call or someone coming into your kitchen. Keep pot handles turned inward so they don’t accidentally get pulled over while boiling water—better yet, get a handle that doesn’t stay hot after cooking. Finally, make sure to thoroughly clean up spills as quickly as possible so you don’t accidentally slip on them later in the day when walking around barefoot or wearing open-toed shoes.

2) Cuts

While knives can be dangerous and even deadly in the wrong hands, it’s nearly impossible to avoid slicing yourself when cooking. Whether you’re dicing vegetables or prepping meat, you have a high likelihood of nicking your hand with your blade. Cuts tend to range from small paper cuts to deep lacerations that need stitches. The best way to protect yourself is by using proper techniques, like keeping your fingers on top of a vegetable as you chop rather than underneath where they’re more likely to get cut. You can also wear gloves while chopping, but be sure you grab ones made for handling sharp objects.

3) Slips

When we’re working in our kitchens, it’s natural to get distracted by all that cooking and cleaning. Unfortunately, too many distractions can mean trouble. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half of all kitchen injuries occur when someone is distracted while they’re performing a task—and slips make up more than 30 percent of these accidents. So keep your focus on cooking and cleaning instead; do one thing at a time, and always pay attention to what you’re doing. If you have kids around your kitchen—or any room for that matter—always remember that their actions can distract you just as much as any distraction from inside or outside your home.

4) Stings

From burns and cuts to falls, any home cook is at risk of a serious accident in the kitchen. The National Safety Council estimates that about 75,000 people are rushed to hospital emergency rooms for injuries sustained in their own homes each year. To stay safe when cooking at home, follow these safety precautions: • Wear closed-toe shoes and socks – This is particularly important if you’re standing on a wet surface. • Don’t reach into a hot oven – Always use pot holders or oven mitts when grabbing items from a hot oven. Even better, use an oven thermometer so you know how hot your oven really is before reaching inside.

5) Scalds

Scalds are among some of the most common burns and can occur when water gets too hot. The best way to avoid getting scalded is by being careful with stove-top liquids. Always use a thick mitt or pot holder when handling anything that’s boiling and watch for splashing. If something does splash, immediately turn off the heat, move away from the heat and wash your skin with cool water until it feels normal again. It might also help to keep anti-scald plug-in sinks and tubs; these devices turn off the water if they sense temperature change due to splashing. They aren’t foolproof, but they’re definitely worth a try.

6) Electric shock

The first type of accident is by far one of the most common—electric shock. Although it’s a little difficult to predict when one might occur, it does happen often, and you’ll want to be prepared for what happens if your hand should ever get too close to an open circuit. Never work with live electricity; turn off all power before working on electrical appliances, light fixtures or circuits. If you’re unsure whether something is live, use a voltage detector or test it with an outlet tester. The safest option is always to have a professional electrician handle any problems with wiring or circuits in your kitchen and bathroom.

7) Other safety hazards

Cooking is one of life’s great pleasures, but like anything else in life, it has its risks. The kitchen is where we prepare and share food with friends and family. Accidental burns from hot grease are common, as well as cuts from knives or countertops. Every year more than one million people visit emergency rooms for injuries related to cooking. If you’ve got a safety concern that you can’t seem to solve yourself, consider hiring a professional for some advice.

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