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How to boost your immune system in 7 days


How to boost your immune system in 7 days

Boosting your immune system is simple, just eat foods high in zinc. Zinc is an essential nutrient that people need to stay healthy. It helps keep the immune system strong, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in the senses of taste and smell. In our bodies, it’s present in every organ, tissue, and cell.

Foods high in zinc include:

  • meat (particularly red meat)
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese)
  • Nuts and seeds (cashews, almonds, hazelnuts)


The first exercise habit that you’re going to adopt is the one that your doctor probably already told you to adopt long ago. The first habit, of course, is to start exercising.

Exercise isn’t just good for burning calories and losing weight; it also helps your body release feel-good hormones like endorphins and serotonin. When you feel better about yourself, you breathe easier and sleep better. That reduces stress on your body, which means less illness as a consequence. Exercise also increases the production of white blood cells in the body, which decreases the risk of infection from bacteria or viruses.

How much exercise should I do? How do I get started with an exercise routine? What are some examples of an exercise routine? These are all great questions! But unfortunately, we can’t answer each one individually here! We’ve written a second guide dedicated entirely to answering these exact questions! You can read it here: [link]

Stop smoking, drink more water

The first tip is to drink more water.  No matter how much you think you drink, you probably don’t drink enough.  Water is essential to our overall health, and it helps your immune system fight germs. How many glasses of water should you drink a day?  It depends on your age and gender, but the general rule of thumb is eight 8-ounce glasses (or 64 ounces).

When should you be drinking water?  

Drink water before, during, and after meals; before, during, and after exercise; before and after bathing; before and after taking medication; when you are sick.

Reduce stress levels

It’s important to consider stress levels when thinking about your immune system. Stress is the way that your body reacts to and deals with emotional, mental, and physical pressure. The negative effects of stress are well documented; when you’re stressed out, you can’t think clearly, focus, or make decisions small of which play a role in building up your immune system. Luckily, positive stress can have the opposite effect. When you’re excited about something and/or challenged by it (like a work deadline), your brain releases chemicals that help increase alertness and productivity. This means that managing stress levels is integral for a healthy immune system. If you’re feeling stressed it’s best to find ways to calm down before attempting any other tasks on this list. 

Here are some things you should try:

  • Take time for yourself Whether it’s taking a bath or going on a walk-in nature, spend an hour doing something that helps you unwind and distress
  • Try exercise- Exercise is known to reduce stress levels as well as clear your head!
  • Talk to someone- Whether this is a friend or family member or even just texting them, getting those feelings off of your shoulders can help relieve some of that anxiety

Sleep well

One of your body’s most important defenses against illness is a strong immune system. And one of the best ways to keep your immune system in tip-top shape is to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. When you sleep, your immune system produces protective proteins that are able to attack invading viruses and bacteria. If you don’t get enough sleep, you can become more susceptible to infections and illnesses because your body simply isn’t producing enough antiviral fuel to protect itself.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try eliminating distractions before bed. You should turn off all screens (including TVs) at least an hour before going to bed so they don’t interfere with your sleep cycle. You can also read a book or take a bath with calming essential oils before going to bed if that helps ease you into a restful sleep.

It’s also helpful for some people to nap during the day if they’re not getting enough restful sleep at night. Naps can help reduce stress and make up for lack of nighttime restfulness, so don’t be afraid to try catching some ZZZs during the day if hitting the hay at night is difficult for you!

Drink green tea

As a natural anti-oxidant, green tea is not just good for your immune system—it’s good for your health in other ways as well. It’s been shown to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. The polyphenols in green tea fight against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which prevents blood clots and artery blockages. Green tea has also been shown to reduce the risk of stroke. In addition to these heart-healthy benefits, green tea can help prevent cavities and tooth loss by killing the bacteria that cause them. It also protects skin against sun damage because of its high levels of polyphenols, which are very powerful antioxidants.

Green tea is even beneficial for your brain! A recent study found that people who drank more than five cups of green tea per day were less likely to develop cognitive problems related to aging compared with those who drank one cup or less per day. Studies have also linked green tea consumption with reduced rates of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, as well as improved moods due to the action of L-theanine on brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Being healthy is important to your well-being.

You probably already know that being healthy is important to your well-being. It can improve the quality of your life, boost brain function and make you live longer. It’s also good for other things like making you look good naked in front of the mirror when you’re doing your morning routine. But maybe you’d like to see some facts and figures on why being healthy is so important to living your best life. Here they are:

Being healthy improves the quality of life

Every text tells you that if you want to lose weight, get healthier, increase mental acuity, or any number of other benefits, the first step is to start exercising a few times a week. What they don’t tell you is why this is so crucial for improving the quality of your life. The truth may surprise you: exercise actually changes the chemistry in your brain by releasing endorphins that improve mood and reduce stress levels. So it turns out those texts weren’t lying when they said exercises make people happier! 

This makes sense from an evolutionary point of view since it was probably advantageous for humans who survived dangerous predators or jumped over ravines to post a picture on social media about how great their workout was today (the real reason we’re all here). Now we just have to share this knowledge with everyone else so they can be happier too!

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