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DSA Interview Questions: The 8 Most Frequently Asked Questions

DSA Interview Questions: The 8 Most Frequently Asked Questions

Not all DSA interview questions are the same! When you’re applying to be a Digital Marketing Specialist, it can feel like your interviewer asks you the same questions over and over again. To combat this, we’ve compiled the 8 most frequently asked questions at Digital Marketing Specialists interviews, along with answers and tips to help you ace your next interview. Read on to discover our favorite interview questions, and how to answer them like a pro!

Why did you choose to study Data Science?

Choosing a major is a huge decision. Many students spend their whole lives exploring possible careers and potential majors before finally landing on something they want to do. If you’re thinking about a career in data science, take some time to explore your options before committing yourself to years of grueling classes and projects. There are plenty of reasons why someone might choose to study data science, but let’s explore some common ones.

Why this course in particular

This course is a two-parter in learning about Tableau. It’s specifically geared toward people trying to land an entry-level job as a Business Analyst or Data Scientist. If you’re interviewing for these positions, chances are high that your interviewers will be technical people (that is, developers or data engineers) who want to know whether you can actually do what they’ll ask of you on a day-to-day basis.

What are your short-term career goals?

Be specific, and if there are any deadlines or key tasks associated with them, let the interviewer know. I am aiming to become a full-time resident in neurosurgery by December 2014 is an excellent answer; eventually I want to be a neurosurgeon is not. It shows that you are very motivated and focused, and it also demonstrates your awareness of just how difficult it will be to reach your long-term goals.

Tell me about yourself

This is one of those dreaded questions that come up in almost every interview. It’s an easy way for your interviewer to get a feel for who you are as a person, so it’s important to think about and prepare for it. Be sure to mention any experience or knowledge that is relevant to what you want to do as a dental hygienist; include real-world examples of when you displayed these traits.

When did you decide that data science was what you wanted to do?

Data science is a relatively new and rapidly evolving field, but it’s already an extremely lucrative one. So why does everyone want to get in on it? If you’re just starting out, why not ask yourself what data science means to you and then how you first got interested in it. Use your own experiences as jumping-off points for your interview answers. This can help give potential employers insight into your perspective and explain where you want to take your career in general.

Why are you leaving your current job?

If you’re leaving for another job, be honest about your reasons for switching. If you’re not sure what your next move is, don’t worry—you can always save that response for if/when an employer ever asks you to share. Just make sure to emphasize what you can bring to their team, rather than how your current company isn’t meeting your needs or how much you dislike it there.

How will you cope with the course workload? Section: How would your previous colleagues describe you?

I have always been hardworking and dedicated. During my university years, I was involved in many clubs and organizations. It’s true that most of them were voluntary work but I’ve found that it helps me mature a lot quicker in life. Section: Why do you think you are suitable for your degree?: Because I really love what I am studying, furthermore, I am confident that it is useful to me. Section: Have you ever failed an exam?: Yes, once before.
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person.
Of course, you have to handle people who aren’t friendly or courteous all of the time. Have a story about an especially difficult person that you had to deal with, and how you handled it. Did it involve an employer? A customer? A co-worker? Did they just not like your attitude or style? Did they ask too much of you, too fast? Share what happened, how you handled it, and whether your response was successful in resolving things or not.

What data have you worked with before? Section: What tools have you used before? Section: Why Python? 

Why did you leave your last job? Section: What makes you a good fit for our team? Section: Do you have any questions for us? Section: Are there any soft skills you believe are necessary for working here? Section: Do you code on your own time? Section: How do you prioritize tasks to finish efficiently? Section and Testing. Describe a project that is relevant to what we do. What other languages are in use at your current or previous jobs, and how were these used in conjunction with Python?

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