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how to make seafood okra soup at home

how to make seafood okra soup at home

Today I’ll be showing you Step by step guides on how to make seafood okra soup at home

Actually there is a lot of “Step by step guides” on how to make seafood okra soup recipe methods everywhere.

But today I am going to be using a unique slight different seafood Step by step guides method and slightly different comparing to others you have read online

I hope you stick around to see the “Step by step guides” on  how to make seafood okra soup, so  let’s get started this recipe.

Below are the recipes of  Step by step guides on how to make seafood okra soup, a list of what I am going to be using to make the seafood okra food.

Sea food Recipe: Step by step guides on how to make seafood okra soup

  1. Fresh Okra
  2. Smoked catfish
  3. Paprika pepper
  4. Habanero
  5. Calamari
  6. Shrimp
  7. Palm oil
  8. Ground Crayfish
  9. Stock Cube

GUIDE 1 : I ‘ll be using some okra that I’ve chopped I’ll also be using some smoked catfish some micro fish some paprika peppers

Habanero ,calamari some shrimp together with some palm oil

  • I’ll also be using stock cube some salt and ground crayfish
  • I am going to start by adding the blended paprika pepper and fresh pepper to the pot.

GUIDE 2: Add some more water  in it and let it for about 29 minutes

  • After that i am going to season it and then add my stock cubes, ground crayfish and some salt to taste.

GUIDE 3 : Add my palm oil and  hover it on it and let it boil for  about 10 minutes.

GUIDE 4: Add the fish,calamari and the shrimps, and also the smoke  fish.

  • Just don’t need a lot of time to cook so I’m only going to give it about 5 minutes.

Allow it to be in the fire and let it cook for 5 minutes, 5 five minutes after cooked the does not  take  long, because I don’t want my fish to scatter , so five minutes is okay.

After cooking, leave it uncovered for about 3 -4 minutes before serving it to your guest.

Our okra is cooked just the way I like it and I hope you like it too this way

  • if you do ,lead a comment below it was cooked not too soft, just crunchy you can cook it for longer, if you want but this is okay with me.

This Step by step guides on how to make seafood okra soup was recently used in a restaurant in Eko Atlantic, and it was fantastic on their “seafood menu”

I was surprised when I was called by one of my readers, showing me a menu carrying the full recipes of this seafood tutorial.

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