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10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse


The issue about  Long distance relationship  This days has become a thing of many concerns, as a result, a lot of people find their ways to various Online dating sites looking for love, and still not finding results.

Some even go as far to put their Personal ads  online to see if they would find any true love.

Dwelling in the same circle with a couple seem to be the most difficult task ever,but for you to get the best respond from your partner a proper maintenance  most be made in order for things to be updated.

Making sure they is enough  room for each other to express  themselves  freely, and making sure that they is always a plan ‘B’ to navigate around the obstacles  that is certainly  going to come along the way in every Relationship test 10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse

However  there is always a solution  to every  relationship  ups and down

Moreover  every relationship  has is own ups and down  and to avoid Break up you need to make sure everything is going fine, for many reason and question on
How to find the right partner, How to fully win heart of woman  How to seduce  a woman you need to go extremely far to win her heart if you truly loves her/him.

We came up with ways to build a lasting  relationship  base on our research.

We have come to realize  that there is solution  to every relationship  issue.10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse

There are things that can sustain a relationship,intend of searching for “free online dating” advice to look for solutions to sustain a Healthy relationships and keep it going,

Start with ways to deal with jealousy and potential hates, But with this “Relationship  tips” if implemented  properly it will see you through  all obstacles  that will come?
10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse

10 ways to win her for life
1 learn the habit  of listening  to your partner when he /she is speaking  listening  to your partner  has a long way  to go in every relationship, be claim and slow to her / express  yourself freely,taking it one step at a time before speaking,this helps a lot in building a relationship,Its gives your partner the edge to believe  that he/she is valued and make her feels comfortable.

2 communication in relationships has is own important rule in every relationship, communicates with her always on the phone ,text message her ,email her and more ,doing this give edges to every relationship

3 family relationship  make friend with he/her family members , doing this you creates an atmosphere of love that can last for ever

4 Send her / love messages everyday, statistics  show that 90% man,/women who send love text to their  spouse  are more romantic  than man /woman who don’t,  this is the most interesting part in a relationship,  I have seen men who won the heart of a women with just love text messages, women are so romantic  that a little love text message can win them easily,love messages triggers  the emotional  part of women easily, so if you don’t do this,  you better starts doing it now.

visit her  always  for the time you are free,  don’t just sit at home waiting for her to come over make the move, visit  her, women find men who visit them always to be more romantic,  base on statistics

6 take her out for a date every  week,  even if you don’t have the money to take her on a date every week end,  try as much as possible  to. You don’t need to buy her Ferraro or the whole world,   a little trip, with just a touch will win her heart  just make it count in every  relationship by doing this is more like you are building a Personal relationship with her

don’t make promises you can’t keep, promise  what you can afford, a lot of relationship  has broken  due to promises, promise  and fail,hurts a lot in a relationship, “like a sore in the throats” so stay ways from fake promises, if you want your relationship  to last for long

8 make yourself  know,  get in touch  with her/his family  members, seek relationship advice from men you know that are doing well in their relationship also  know her/ his relatives  this give the two partner  a solid assurance .

9 buy her gift like relationship books Every festival  period  or monthly  women are fragile to gifts,  the most precious  trick to win a lady  heart is gift,  I bet 85% of them,fall for this, buy her love musical song CDs, love Cards,  flowers, pants and bra,  I bet you, that of you do all this things above to a new date, she will Begin to love you more and more than you can ever imagine,  this Technic works like magic, I have seen most women fall for this many times

10 Road work with her, take for a walk early in the morning,  this will leave a lasting  memories  in her,  this things are not commonly  practice  in today’s relationships take advantage of it and be the “super man” only few  far to do this,  but I employs you that if you do this, you will noticed 100% respond  from her toward you

11 :make love with her trice daily “3 times ” every week ,sex has is own important  rule in every  relationship  and marriage,  I have seen  broken relationship due to lack of sexual intercourse, go extreme  to make her/ him feel satisfied  during love making,sex is healthy to heath,so take advantage of it in your relationship. 10 trick on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse

NOTE THIS: make eye contact with her every time you are making love with her/he, this trick works 200% on every woman / man.

Established eye contact with your spouse  while making love with her, eyeball to eyeball contact,  records  among  those who I have recommend this trick results are 100% times two.

Do this each time you are on top her in bed,any were ,eye contact engagement,  this trick works more during love making, most especially when she is about to climax  during sex.

WARMING : don’t do this to her /him if you don’t intend to marry him/ her or love 

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