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What to do when your feet hurt after work

What to do when your feet hurt after work

What to do when your feet hurt after work, when it comes to foot pain, don’t just hope it will go away. Your feet carry you through life, so they deserve special care. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the common causes of foot pain and offer tips on how to treat your aching feet at home. If your foot pain doesn’t go away after three days or if severe swelling occurs, however, see your doctor right away.

Foot pain is very common.

Foot pain is very common. It can be caused by many things, like an injury or medical condition. Foot pain can also be caused by not taking good care of your feet and having poor foot health. Some shoes do not fit correctly and cause foot pain as well.

Even if you are used to wearing heels all day at work and your feet hurt after work because of this, there are some things that you can do to help relieve the pain and allow them to heal faster so that you don’t have to suffer from the discomfort anymore!

The most common cause of foot pain is shoe problems.

The most common cause of foot pain is shoe problems. A proper pair of shoes will provide the right amount of support and cushioning for your feet, so they don’t hurt after you spend hours on them. If you’re experiencing foot discomfort during or after work, it’s important to visit your local shoe store or podiatrist and have them evaluate how well your shoes fit.

  • Shoes that don’t fit properly: Here are some ways to test if your shoes are too small:
  • Step into a pair of shoes with the heel against the wall. If there’s any space between your toes and the wall, the heel isn’t touching completely flat against it, which means there might not be enough room for proper arch support in this particular style and size of the shoe
  • Place one hand on top of another; if there’s more than about an inch between both hands (meaning that one hand could comfortably go overtop), then this style may be too large

Foot pain can strike at any age.

In the UK alone, foot pain affects around 10% of people. Foot pain can strike at any age, and is often caused by a number of factors including:

  • Ageing – as you get older your feet naturally start to lose some of their flexibility. This means that they become less able to cope with everyday wear and tear such as standing or walking for extended periods of time. As a result, they’re more likely to develop problems with joint inflammation and arthritis.
  • Injuries – if you’ve recently sustained an injury to any part of your body, such as bruising or spraining an ankle then this will likely cause discomfort in other areas too until the injury has healed itself sufficiently enough for you not to be carrying around extra weight on it (i.e., the injured area). For example, if you’ve bruised your toes then it’s likely that stepping off high heels could aggravate them further because this forces greater pressure onto them from above than usual – so try wearing flats instead!

You can get foot pain from a sports injury, falling, or dropping something

You can get foot pain from a sports injury, falling, or dropping something. It can also be caused by an old injury. In some instances, foot pain may be caused by an infection, nerve problem, or circulatory problem.

Check to see if you have a bruise, fracture, or sprain.

If you have a bruise, it will usually be black and blue. Look for swelling, tenderness, and bruising. If you have a fracture, it will often be swollen, tender to touch, and painful.

You can massage your feet when the bones aren’t broken.

It’s important to know that you can still massage your feet when the bones aren’t broken. Massaging your feet with a tennis ball is one way to do this.

  • Massage often: It’s best if you massage your feet as often as possible, starting from the bottom and working up to the toes. You can also practice self-massage before bed or even before going to bed (which may help you fall asleep).
  • Before going out for a run or other exercise: Make sure that both of your arches are aligned properly when running or exercising on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt by massaging them beforehand with a tennis ball. This will help prevent injury as well as make running more comfortable!

Ice can soothe sore feet.

Ice can soothe sore feet.

You know how your grandma would always tell you to put ice on a bruise? Well, she was right! Ice can reduce swelling and numb the pain of a hematoma (a blood-filled bruise).

How long should you ice your feet?

If you’re just looking for temporary relief from soreness or swelling, 10 minutes is all you need. If your feet are in serious pain, try icing them for 20 minutes at a time—that should do the trick!

How often should I ice my feet?

Take it easy on yourself—you don’t have to sit around with an ice pack every day! Once or twice a week will do the trick for most people. Your body has its own natural healing process that helps get rid of inflammation over time; there’s no need to force things along by icing excessively.

A cold pack on your feet may ease the swelling and pain caused by an injury.

A cold pack may help ease the swelling and pain caused by an injury. You can buy ice packs at any drugstore, but you may want to purchase one that’s shaped like a boot or sole of a shoe. If you have a wrap-around style of your own, that’s great! Just keep in mind that they’ll stay colder longer if they’re not wrapped around something bulky like towels or socks. The best place to put it is over the injured area and cover it with a towel or blanket so no skin is exposed directly to the cold surface. Leave it there for 15 minutes before applying again (you should only do 2-3 applications). This will help prevent frostbite because all parts of your foot are being treated instead of just one part at a time with repeated applications on top of each other during one session for maximum effectiveness – this process cannot be rushed as needed treatments take time depending upon severity/location etc., so patience is key here!

If these methods don’t work try adding Epsom salt bath solution into warm water before soaking feet; this helps draw out toxins through increased circulation while simultaneously relieving stress and helping relax muscles which often become tight due to strain caused by standing all day long; once done soaking remove excess water using clean paper towels then apply lotion afterward both inside soles outside topside sides bottom sides heels toes backside top side bottom sides heel toes ankle joints knees hips thighs upper thighs lower backs buttocks cheeks thighs inner thigh outer thigh front side back side head shoulders neck arms hands arms elbows wrists fingers palms knuckles knees ankles calves shins forearms waist hips buttocks cheeks chest breasts torso

Switch to more comfortable shoes as soon as possible after hurting your foot.

  • Switch to more comfortable shoes as soon as possible after hurting your foot.
  • Get a new pair of shoes that are the right size and type for your feet. You can get advice from an experienced shoe store employee, or you can check out this list of recommended brands and models on the US National Library of Medicine website.
  • Shoes should be supportive, meaning they help keep the ankle, knee, and hip joints aligned with each other so they don’t do any extra work during activity. That way all your body parts can do their job!

While they don’t always hurt, it’s important to treat foot injuries right away so they don’t get worse later in life.

Foot pain can be a sign of a serious injury. If you have foot pain or soreness, it’s important to treat it right away so that it doesn’t get worse later in life. Foot pain may be caused by shoes that don’t fit well or by an injury or infection. Foot pain can also be due to an injury to the bones, ligaments, and tendons of your feet; this type of foot pain is called plantar fasciitis.

The best way to treat most types of foot injuries is with rest, ice packs applied regularly for 15 minutes at a time (make sure not too hot!), elevation (putting feet up on something), compression stockings/socks, anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy (to strengthen muscles).


If you’re experiencing foot pain, there are a lot of things you can do to treat it. I hope this post has given you some ideas about what causes foot pain and how best to handle it so that you don’t have any more problems down the road!

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