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The Truth About Peeing on Sea Urchin Stings


The Truth About Peeing on Sea Urchin Stings

So, you got stung by a sea urchin. It hurts like hell, and you’re probably wondering if peeing on the wound will help make the pain go away. Is it true? Will urine actually provide relief?

The short answer is: it depends. Peeing on a sea urchin sting is not a cure-all remedy; it might help, or it might not. It all depends on the person and the sting. Some people find that peeing on the wound helps relieve the pain, while others say that it makes things worse.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at sea urchin stings and how to treat them, including the pros and cons of peeing on them.

What Are Sea Urchins?

Do you know what a sea urchin is? If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of being stung by one, you probably don’t want to know. But if you’re morbidly curious, then read on.

Sea urchins are these spiny creatures that live in the ocean and can be pretty nasty if you happen to step on one. They have these sharp little spikes on their body that can easily pierce your skin, and once they’re in there, it’s not easy to get them out.

That’s why when you get stung by a sea urchin, the first thing you’re likely to do is pee on it. And yes, it does help. The urine breaks down the proteins in the spines, which makes them easier to remove. learn How to Remove Sea Urchin Spines From Your Feet 

What Do Sea Urchin Stings Look Like?

Do you know what a sea urchin sting looks like? If you don’t, let me give you a little visual. It’s a pretty nasty sting, and it can be really painful.

Sea urchin stings are often characterized by redness, swelling, and pain around the area that was stung. In some cases, blisters may form. And if you’re unlucky enough to get stung by a sea urchin, the best thing to do is get out of the water and seek medical help.

Do You Pee on Sea Urchin Stings?

So, you’ve been stung by a sea urchin. Now what?

Some people will tell you to pee on the sting, but does that really work? Let’s take a closer look.

The truth is, there’s no real evidence that peeing on a sea urchin sting does anything to help. In fact, it might even make things worse. Urine is acidic, which can further irritate the wound.

So if you’re stung by a sea urchin, the best thing to do is remove any spines that are still in the wound and then soak it in hot water for at least 20 minutes. This will help reduce the inflammation and pain.

How Do You Treat a Sea Urchin Sting?

So you’ve been stung by a sea urchin. What do you do now?

Don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to ease the pain and get rid of the sting. One of the most popular remedies is peeing on the wound, but does it actually work?

As it turns out, peeing on a sea urchin sting is not only ineffective, it’s also pretty gross. Not to mention, the urine could contain bacteria that will only make the wound worse. Yuck!

So what should you do if you’re stung by a sea urchin? Try rinsing the wound with vinegar or submerging it in hot water. These remedies will help to neutralize the toxins and reduce the pain.

How Can You Prevent Getting Stung by a Sea Urchin?

Listen, we know you’re tempted. But trust us, peeing on a sea urchin sting is not going to help. In fact, it might make the pain worse.

So what can you do to prevent getting stung in the first place? Well, for starters, try to stay out of their way. If you see one in the water, stay calm and move away from it. If you do get stung, remove any spines that might be stuck in your skin and then soak the area in hot water for as long as you can.

Finally, if the pain is really bad, go to the doctor. They might give you a shot of cortisone to help reduce the swelling and inflammation.

What to Do if You Are Stung by a Sea Urchin

Yikes, you’ve been stung by a sea urchin! But before you panic, know that there are some things you can do to ease the pain.

The first thing you should do is get out of the water. If you’re still in the ocean, you’re only going to make the situation worse. And don’t try to pee on the sting—this old wives’ tale doesn’t actually work.

Instead, rinse the wound with vinegar or seawater, then apply ice. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever if it’s really hurting. Finally, if the wound starts to swell or change color, head to the ER right away.


So, does peeing on a sea urchin sting work? Kind of. It helps to stop the pain and swelling, but it’s not a miracle cure. If you’re stung by a sea urchin, the best thing to do is rinse the area with fresh water and then apply ice.

If you’re ever unlucky enough to get stung by a sea urchin, don’t panic. There are a few things you can do to help relieve the pain, and peeing on the sting is one of them. Just make sure you’re careful not to get any urine in your eyes.

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