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Test Blog – 5 Things To Test On Your Blog Today


Test Blog

A test blog is a site where you do all your testing especially if you are unsure of the outcome. It could be installing a new premium template, adding a script or codes, trying out new hacks and tweaks, and many more. Here are some things to test on your blog today!

A blog test allows you to do all your testing especially if you are unsure of the outcome. It could be installing a new premium template, adding a script or codes, trying out new hacks and tweaks, and many more. This blog post looks at 5 things to test on your blog today.

It is also known as a test blog site or sandbox it is any site you use to do all your testing before you launch it on your main site. It’s ideal if you are unsure of the outcome or if you are simply starting out and trying new things out like installing new premium templates, adding scripts or codes, trying out new hacks and tweaks, etc. 

What Is A Test Blog

A test blog is a site where you do all your testing especially if you are unsure of the outcome. It could be installing a new premium template, adding a script or codes, trying out new hacks and tweaks, and many more. Although these methods are not recommended for long-term use as they could compromise your business credibility in short term can give great results.

How to make a Test blog?

A test blog is a great way to take your website and be able to try out new things on it. This can be useful if you are not completely sure what to do with your site or if you want to make some changes, but don’t know where to start. A test blog gives you a place where you can experiment with things before doing them on your main site, giving you time and space to play around until you get it right.

Manual testing blogs

By manually testing your own site, you are not only learning how to use your tools but also gaining a deep understanding of what they can and cannot do. This knowledge can come in handy when another member of your team has questions or doesn’t know how to execute a test. Manual testing is a valuable skill for any tester and gives you insight into every aspect of your site.

Google testing blog

One of my favorite things to do is to set up a test blog site and try new things on it. I usually only keep it around for about a month but I use it as an opportunity to try out new plugins, test out new themes, and even experiment with some advanced coding techniques. While you should always do any testing on a dev site first, if you’re really not sure what’s going to happen when you make changes, having a test site is your best bet.

Here are 5 things you can test on your blog today

  1. Check Google SEO
  2. Social Media Links
  3. Annotated TOC
  4. Watch Page Speed
  5. Transitions Between Pages

  • Check Google SEO

If you’re in SEO, you can use Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) to find out what search queries led people to your site. This is a great way to test which keywords are most popular, and then optimize them for better rankings.

  • Social Media Links

Facebook and Twitter should be your first step. Adding social media links, and making sure they are functional is a must. Make sure they go to your main site and not just a basic page on Facebook or Twitter. Add Social Media buttons like Google +1, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg, etc. Try to add more Social media buttons for the best SEO results!

  • Watch Page Speed

Even if you have a good hosting provider and are using free templates and plugins, there is still one factor you cannot control: your page load time. The faster your site loads, generally speaking, the better it will rank in search results. As of November 2017, Google announced that page speed would now be a ranking factor for mobile searches. It’s important to note that speed isn’t measured by only how quickly your website responds to users when they click on links or buttons. so test blog run is very important

  • Annotated TOC

The following table of contents is created by you or your team and then appended to an already published post. I find it a great way to add value because your readers might be searching for one specific piece of information without realizing that information is in another section. It also makes sense when you are repurposing content from another site into a new post on your own site, where maybe you don’t want to break down those sections into individual posts. 

  • Transitions Between Pages

Ideally, you want to make it as easy as possible for a visitor to navigate your site, after a complete test blog run. You do that by putting links on your pages, both internal and external links. By doing so, your readers have various ways to access your website’s different content and areas. That’s why you should pay close attention to page transitions.

With the listed 4 Things below to test on your blog, you can achieve more in SEO trust me

  1. How will your new template look with Yoast?
  2. What is your site’s theme like on mobile?
  3. How does a video play on your new site?
  4. How will Googlebot crawl your post title? and many more. 

So make sure you do a test before putting it live so that you don’t end up wasting more time doing all these fixes. Because when it goes live, it will take you even longer to get things right!

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