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Symptoms of high blood sugar


Blood sugar too high symptoms


High blood sugar levels can lead to a host of different symptoms. Although some of these symptoms may be considered minor, they can still affect your day-to-day activities. Knowing what to watch out for (and being able to communicate with your doctor) is an important part of managing any health condition, including high blood sugar. Here are some things to be aware of if you or a loved one has a blood sugar problem:

Symptoms of high blood sugar

Frequent urination.

Frequent urination is a common symptom of diabetes. The reason for this is simple: as your blood sugar levels rise, so does the amount of glucose in your urine. If you have diabetes, your kidneys may not be able to filter out all that extra glucose, so it can build up in your urine instead.

This symptom can also be caused by kidney disease, bladder or prostate problems, or even a UTI (urinary tract infection). So how do you know if frequent urination is just part of being a person with diabetes? First off, if you’re peeing every hour or two and never feel like you’ve emptied your bladder enough—or if you’re peeing more often than usual—then see your doctor right away! If they confirm that it’s actually diabetes causing the problem (this will involve some blood work), then there are some things that may help:

Increased thirst.

Increased thirst. Increased thirst is a common symptom of high blood sugar, and it’s important to drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best choice because it won’t raise your blood sugar level or cause any side effects. However, if you’re not a fan of water or want to add some flavor to your beverage, try drinking juice instead. Fruit juices contain carbohydrates from fruit sugars that can raise your blood sugar level quickly if you consume too much of them at once, so stick with small portions between meals rather than larger amounts at mealtime itself. Milk also contains carbohydrates and fat (although not as much as fruit juice), so keep track of how much milk you drink each day by keeping track in the MyPlate app on Google Play and iTunes or on MyPlate online (

  • Tea also has caffeine like coffee does; however tea also contains tannins which can stimulate digestion by making our stomachs more acidic which helps break down food faster thus reducing hunger pangs which means we eat less overall throughout the day.*

Extreme hunger.

  • Extreme hunger. This is one of the most common signs of high blood sugar and can be easily mistaken for hunger pangs due to an empty stomach or a lack of nutrients. However, frequent urination, increased thirst and unusual weight loss are all signs that it’s not normal hunger but rather a sign your body is trying to tell you something’s wrong.

  • Blurred vision. High blood sugar leads to blurred vision because it interferes with how well the lens in your eye focuses light on the retina (the nerve layer at the back of your eye). The damage caused by high blood sugar causes bleeding underneath this retina when there are tears in its cells called retinopathy – which can lead to blindness if left untreated over time.

Unusual weight loss.

Weight loss is one of the symptoms of high blood sugar. Unfortunately, it’s also a sign that other health issues may be at play. You should always consult a doctor if you experience unexpected weight loss—but be sure to ask about your condition before making any drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle (like exercising more) in hopes of losing weight quickly.

In addition to losing weight, other signs that you might have high blood sugar include:

  • fatigue

  • feeling thirsty often

  • urinating frequently

Increased fatigue.

One of the most common symptoms of blood sugar too high is fatigue. When your body can’t convert glucose into energy, it takes longer for you to feel energized after eating. Your brain may also become sluggish as a result of this, which can make you feel tired even when you haven’t been exercising or doing anything strenuous.

In addition to the inability to use glucose for energy, an increase in blood sugar may cause your cells’ ability to make insulin (the hormone that converts glucose into energy) decrease as well. This results in a drop in both your overall energy levels and mental acuity over time—a condition known as hypoglycemia (or low blood sugar).

Blurred vision.

If you experience blurred vision, this could be a sign of high blood sugar. Blurred vision can be a symptom of diabetic retinopathy, which occurs when there is damage to the small blood vessels in your retina. It can also be a symptom of diabetic macular edema, when fluid accumulates in the center of your retina and causes swelling. Another possible cause for blurry vision is diabetic cataracts—when the lens inside your eye becomes cloudy and distorts light as it enters the eye.

These are some things to be aware of if you or a loved one has a blood sugar problem

If you’re concerned that a loved one might be experiencing blood sugar problems, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination

  • Increased thirst

  • Extreme hunger

  • Unusual weight loss

  • Increased fatigue


All in all, we hope this helps you better understand what to look out for if you have a high blood sugar. Although many of these symptoms may seem minor, they can be very dangerous and even fatal if left untreated. It’s important to always check with your doctor before making any changes

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