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9 Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia You Should Know


9 Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia You Should Know

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, is one of the main conditions that occur with diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia in order to prevent health complications and other issues from developing later on. If you suspect that you have hyperglycemia, consult your doctor as soon as possible to avoid long-term health problems like heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and nerve damage (to name a few). The nine signs and symptoms listed below can help you understand hyperglycemia better so that you can recognize it if it occurs.

While the vast majority of people with diabetes don’t develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemia can lead to many serious complications if it’s not treated. One of the most common types of hyperglycemia that you should know about, especially if you have diabetes, is hyperglycemia without DKA (non-ketotic hyperglycemia). This condition can be caused by increased insulin resistance, thyroid disorders, and hormonal changes, and it has its own set of signs and symptoms you should be aware of so you can seek treatment as soon as possible.

9 Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia You Should Know

It’s important to know the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia if you want to prevent it from happening again or need to recognize it if it does happen. These are some of the more common signs and symptoms you should be aware of, but there may be others depending on your body’s reaction to this condition. If you experience any of these or have any concerns about your blood sugar, contact your doctor immediately.

9 Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia You Should Know

Symptom of hyperglycemia

  1. Feeling extremely thirsty all the time
  2. Urinating more frequently than usual, especially at night
  3. Feeling very tired and fatigued
  4. Blurry vision
  5. Cuts or bruises that heal slowly
  6. Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  7. Weight loss

The glucose level in the blood

Your blood glucose, or blood sugar, level plays an important role in your overall health. When your blood sugar is too high, it’s called hyperglycemia. This condition can lead to serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. That’s why it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia so you can catch it early and get treatment.

1) A1C test – Blood Sugar Testing

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, is a serious problem if left untreated. It can cause problems with your vision, kidney function, and heart. The best way to know if you have hyperglycemia is to get an A1C test. This test measures your average blood sugar level over the past three months. If it’s 6.5% or higher, you have hyperglycemia. Here are 9 other signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia you should know about

2) Low Blood Sugar

The main symptom of low blood sugar is hypoglycemia, which refers to abnormally low levels of glucose in the blood. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can include feeling shaky, sweating, heart racing, dizziness, and hunger. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to check your blood sugar levels right away. If left untreated, low blood sugar can lead to serious complications, such as seizures or coma.

3) Frequent Urination

When your blood sugar levels are high, your kidneys try to remove the excess glucose by filtering it out of your blood and into your urine. This process is called glucosuria. As a result, you may have to urinate more often than usual, especially at night. Excessive urination can lead to dehydration, so it’s important to drink plenty of fluids when you have hyperglycemia.

4) Increased Thirst

When your blood sugar is high, you may experience increased thirst. This is because your body is trying to get rid of the excess sugar in your blood by flushing it out through urine. As a result, you may find yourself drinking more fluids than usual. You may also notice that you’re urinating more frequently.

5) Dry Mouth

When your blood sugar is too high, you may experience dry mouth. This is because your body is trying to get rid of the excess sugar in your system by urinating it out. As a result, you may become dehydrated and your mouth may feel dry. Dry mouth can also be a sign of other conditions, such as diabetes or Sjogren’s syndrome, so it’s important to see your doctor if you’re experiencing this symptom.

6) Changes in Appetite

One symptom of hyperglycemia is a change in your appetite. You may feel hungrier than usual or have cravings for sweet or high-fat foods. This is because your body is trying to get more energy from food. You may also lose weight even if you’re eating more than usual. This happens when your body breaks down muscle and fat for energy.

7) Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia. When your blood sugar levels are high, your body doesn’t have enough insulin to move glucose into your cells. This can cause dehydration, which leads to constipation. Other common symptoms of hyperglycemia include increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, fatigue, and headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

8) Decreased Sex Drive

According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, men with diabetes are three times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men without diabetes. But it’s not just men who may notice a change in their sex drive; women with diabetes may also find that they’re less interested in sex. There are a few possible explanations for this, including vaginal dryness, low energy levels, or high blood sugar levels. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about ways to manage your diabetes and keep your sex life healthy.

9) Weight Gain

Unexplained weight gain is one symptom of hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. When your blood sugar levels are too high, your body stores glucose as fat instead of using it for energy. This can lead to weight gain, even if you’re eating the same amount of food as usual. Other symptoms of hyperglycemia include

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