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10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube


10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube
10 Things You Didn’t Know About YouTube

YouTube was launched in 2005 and has grown to over one billion users today—no matter how you slice it, that’s a lot of content being consumed! If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, here are ten things you didn’t know about YouTube. Do you know your favorite video-sharing site like the back of your hand? Take our quiz to find out.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About YouTube

  1. YouTube Has a Deep Learning System
  2. The Top Channels Have Millions of Views Per Day
  3. That’s Because People Love Cute Animal Videos
  4. New Video Algorithms Thrive on Emotions
  5. The Future is Machine Learning + AI
  6. Recommendations Are Not Always Accurate
  7. YouTube Wants To Be All In One Place For Entertainment
  8. Google Owns YouTube Because It Is Changing How We Interact With Technology
  9. YouTube Will Continue To Grow and Change Over Time
  10. Many More Changes Are Coming

  • YouTube Has a Deep Learning System

Whenever you search for a YouTube video, or watch one and click Like or comment, you become part of an intricate data set that is then used to customize your experience. According to Google Vice President of Engineering Dr. Rajan Patel, Deep Learning is now being applied to understand user preferences and help generate relevant results.

10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube

  • The Top Channels Have Millions of Views Per Day
A major chunk of YouTube’s top channels has millions of views per day and hundreds of thousands of subscribers. In fact, according to estimates by SocialBlade, one channel (Ryan ToysReview) receives more than 10 million views per day on average; that’s roughly 3.5 billion views per year. Two days after publishing his first video, Ryan had accumulated 100,000 subscribers—and those numbers have only grown since then.

  • That’s Because People Love Cute Animal Videos

According to YouTube, research shows that people spend more time watching cute animal videos than any other kind of content. In fact, worldwide searches for puppies and kittens actually make up a large percentage of all Google searches. Don’t believe us? Just type cats or dogs into your search bar. It’s true: Americans are obsessed with cute animal videos.

  • New Video Algorithms Thrive on Emotions

A new video algorithm will look at more than just your click history and watch time to determine what videos you’ll want to watch next. From a company perspective, it’s about getting users to watch more ads; from an individual standpoint, it’s about getting them to consume higher-quality content.

  • The Future is Machine Learning + AI

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is bright. AI-powered smart home devices are already here and more products will be coming in 2017. This emerging technology offers an incredible opportunity for savvy marketers to connect with consumers and drive demand by building unique experiences, but it also creates a lot of challenges for e-commerce businesses. Here’s everything you need to know about AI and machine learning in e-commerce, from where we are now to where we’re going next.

10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube

  • Recommendations Are Not Always Accurate

The algorithm YouTube uses to make recommendations is based on your viewing history and that of users with similar tastes. Sometimes, it fails to account for things like location (when you’re in a different part of town), or just because you happen to watch one video from a channel and then are recommended several others from that same channel. If you find yourself recommending inaccurate content, take a minute to adjust your preferences so they reflect what you actually want, rather than what algorithms think you want.

  • YouTube Wants To Be All In One Place For Entertainment

YouTube wants to be all in one place for entertainment. The company has been trying to diversify its offerings by going beyond its traditional role as a place where people can upload and share their own videos, with initiatives such as an upcoming music streaming service (similar to Spotify) and original programming (akin to Netflix). It also added a Kids section late last year.

  • Google Owns YouTube Because It Is Changing How We Interact With Technology

YouTube was founded in 2005 and is one of Google’s most popular sites. The video site has over a billion users and over 6 billion hours of content are watched each month on YouTube. Since its start, YouTube has changed how we interact with technology. We have come to expect that we can search for videos on anything from our favorite sports teams to finding out what happened when we weren’t around for historic events like 9/11 or current events like the news coverage of celebrity deaths.

  • YouTube Will Continue To Grow and Change Over Time

YouTube has just announced that it’s going to move from a user-generated content (UGC) platform to more professionally produced content. YouTube plans to make all of its changes by year’s end, but what does that mean for you? That depends on whether you’re a creator or an advertiser. Specifically, YouTube will

  • Many More Changes Are Coming

You may think that YouTube is a world of kitten videos and reality television stars, but actually, it’s much more than that. YouTube has proven itself to be one of Google’s most successful ventures, and a top spot on Google’s homepage means there is no sign of slowing down. But how did YouTube become such a phenomenon? Let’s take a look at 10 things you probably didn’t know about YouTube

10 Things You Didn't Know About YouTube

  • YouTube Will Continue To Grow and Change Over Time
The popular video platform isn’t going anywhere. If you’re tired of watching recommended kitten videos, consider avoiding that homepage by creating a specific YouTube channel to watch puppy videos. The website is always evolving and changing, so if you don’t like where it’s going now, wait five years; I bet it will look completely different. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about YouTube.

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