Aquatic geography benefit and case study

Aquatic geography benefit and case study

Aquatic geography benefit and case study

a sport could be defined as a social Institute which provide the opportunity for playful organized competitive, rules governed knowledge – driven, purposeful physical activities in defined environments.
The goal of sport is not to produce winners and losers get to bring people together, sports are also referred to as any physical activity which divert or amuses.
It could be subdivided into organized competitions such as soccer, track and fields and many others, and physical Recreation for example swimming and so on.

Fundamentals of Sport administration:

In USA swimming is the most recreational sport because of its numerous benefits especially during summer.
In the United Kingdom it’s a social service sports but in other parts of the world it is not appreciated because of low awareness in spot.
In other parts of the world it has been totally neglected except for the “prodigal spot” which has been a major setback for others, nevertheless sport from history has been established the machinery which the black race used to consolidate their authority in every human endeavors in life.
Nigeria is the only country that has the largest population of the black race all over the world.
If Nigeria happens to be the largest population of the black race in Africa, then therefore they have a rule, a very big one indeed to play in the sporting circuits, especially the aquatic sports if the following problems are tackled:
Bribery and corruption
Bad ministrations
Bad management of resources
Neglect of welfare athletic active and retired young and old
Star athletics not contributing a little of the experience and resources in the sport that brought them to Limelight
The foreign stars on the unpatriotic Legions demands are outrageous and ridiculous
Most Media (electronic and printed ) spot library is stock full of Sport tapes especially for foreign ones
Flight of athletes are greener pasture due to bad economy

Under – funding by government

lack of interest in the private sector against the so-called
“swimming is an essential life skills” globally recognized and accepted worldwide
The objective of this article is to facilitate good swimming culture in our nation among our youth and adults alike starting from the grass root to the next level, secondary to supply the citizenry all the necessary information for a paradigm shift in their archaic view and disposition to swimming in particular and sports in general.
Although swimming as a product is Scary and “pro – phobic” it is predominantly in real demand and therefore people need to be motivated into getting in the pool for a Splash.
Creative marketing strategy to market a sport beyond the four walls with structured eight seasons and product development is being applied.
This is to end value to the people and ultimately, culture change, it is like doing 100% better instead of the reverse.
Swimming is renewed to have a good competitive advantage over other sporting activities because of the many benefits promotion.
It is there for paramount to achieving remarkable and desirable impact.
One of our goals is to trigger of cultural change in the delivery and perception with local pilots and national awareness.
Every strategy is being developed to remove barriers of frustration within the sport industry.
Part of the put – out is a real cultural change to bring swimming to the populace through various plans.
Such as opening public pools and schools pools to the community for a chance to learn to train gym for service delivery in the pool .
This article is a project conceived since childhood because of the passion for swimming and the self motivation:
This is to endear the aquatic related to  Sports  and the citizenry in our country
The aquatic sport and its paraphernalia  such as resources materials and human resources are inseparable, therefore arrangement is in high to commence these activities for an enthusiastic efficient relaxed and enjoyable swimming .
The love for the aquatic sports and the absence of resources materials and the role model cut short our dreams of becoming an Olympic champion.
That is why this article could stand the test of time for generation to come and may produce the desired medals for anyone who is serious and know what he or she is doing.

5 things the government stand to benefit from sports :

1: vehicle of Unity and mobilization

2: lucrative businesses to boost tourism

3: foreign exchange

4: good foreign policy instrument

5: physical fitness of the citizenry
All this point above could go away to curb problem like; “cardiac arrest” unemployment and juvenile delinquencies which as a result of Direct consequences of harsh economic realities of life and youthful exuberance.
The following suggestion could come handy and if given the necessary publicity could push the proactive process especially the incorporation of physical and health Education as a core subject in our school curriculum with backup of well-trained instructors, coaches, managers, and administrators coupled with investment in updated facilities and media awareness such as publicity.

The developmental process in institutions are;

1: The incorporation of Sport as in structural intramural and extramural program in our school system
2: Empower private sector to complement its fault, good cooperative responsibility such as social services
3: Budding athletics giving scholarship abroad for talent development
4:  Good spot education, human kinetics should be a priority of coaches / sports personnel
5: Sports development should be research driven and guided by experts and professionals
Skills knowledge to be acquired by professionals in our credit accredited institutions
Modern infrastructure sports equipment acquired and well-maintained accordingly.
Sports program developed implemented and evacuated.
Excellence prone sports research program

Athletics to be trained by professionally certified personnel

strategies to be adopted for  effective  sport institutions in around the world
*  Entrenchment of mandatory sport and physical education within the school system as an instructional subject and a competitive game
* Ensuring mass participation in sports by citizens
* Encourage private sector committees to support development in form of tax rebates and good social service
* Creating linkage between sports and development of good relationship with sporting kit brands manufacturers

Advantage  benefits

1: participating and swimming laurels in international competition.
2:  Reduction of poverty with bigger middle-class,  because of demand of people for Recreation and leisure centres like terrorism and so on
3: Fitness, safety and good health

Modern sports are classified into Five groups such as ;

1: Athletics : Swimming, Diving e.t c .
2: Ball games :  soccer, basketball, bowling, tennis e.t.c .
3: War games : boxing judo, archery, shooting ,e.t c .
4 : Transportation :  Rowling, sailing cycling e.t .c
The grassroots development initiative of other sports such as swimming which incorporates ( health safety fitness and multiple Medals hopeful at 1 event)

What the government stand to benefit are as follows ;

1: Vehicle of Unity and mobilization
2: Lucrative businesses to boost tourism 3: foreign exchange
4: Good foreign policy instrument
5: Physical fitness of the citizenry
All this point above could go away to curb problem like “cardiac arrest” unemployment and juvenile delinquencies.
Which is as a result of Direct consequences of economic realities of life in youthful exuberance.
The following suggestions could come handy and if given the necessary publicity could use the Proactive process especially the incorporation of physical and health Education as a called subject in our school curriculum with backup of word trained instructors coaches, managers and administrators coupled with investment in updated facilities and media awareness publicity.

The developmental process in institution

Incorporation of sports as in structural intramural and extramural program in our school system.

Empowered private sector to complement his effort and good corporate responsibility ( social services) .

Budding athletics giving scholarship abroad for Talent development.

Good sport education human kinetics should be a priority of coaches/ sport personnel

Sports education should be research driven and guide by experts and professionals.
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